Fuel Contamination

Bugs grow in fuel and fuel tanks on boats develop algae and accumulate sludge. This often only becomes apparent at sea in heavy weather when rolling and pitching stir up the contents in the fuel. The resulting fuel starvation leads to engine sputtering or the engine may quit as the filters plug up. Neither creates a fun filled day and the risk to life and property is very high.


Tanks should be periodically inspected for contamination. Annually is best. If nothing is found there is nothing to do. If algae, water, or sludge show up, the tanks must be cleaned.

The process is simple. Access is gained through an opening to the tank and the fuel is polished as it is removed. The empty tank is cleaned and polished fuel filtered back into the clean tank.


Polishing preserves fuel and contributes to a cleaner environment. Currently, simply removing old fuel and refilling the tank with new fuel becomes a more expensive option due to environmental regulations addressing the disposal of contaminated fuels. In addition, this option does not address the dirty tank issue, so new fuel will quickly become contaminated, leading to the same problem. Cleaning the tank, polishing the contaminated fuel, and refilling the tank with this clean fuel is the most economical action to pursue.

Experience means guarantees

Our staff have extensive marine training and experience and we understand how to clean your tanks to ensure results. We are confident enough to guarantee our work. Our knowledge of boats means efficient work, ensuring the highest quality service at the most competitive price.

For more information or to book an appt. call 604-299- 1955 or email [email protected] We look forward to hearing from you.